Yesterday afternoon after I had a couple seconds to breathe after
the chaos of the last couple days, I walked into my bedroom and saw this.
Immediately I started crying. Maybe because I’m sooooooo (yes soooooo)
incredibly exhausted, but my heart was so overwhelmed with gratitude.
See, lately the Lord has provided me with a solid tribe of women.
Yesterday this folded pile of laundry was done by one of those women, then she
vacuumed my house, then she helped me with another disaster, then another friend
came over to sit with me at my table to let me unload some of my heart stuff
and then she spoke truth into my life while challenging me to be the best woman
I can be, then another friend delivered a McDs coke to my door knowing how long
my night before was. On top of that, several of my tribe women were texting me
checking in, helping me through some chaos, and praying over me.
I’m not saying this to say “hey, I’ve got great friends”; I’m saying
this because I want to encourage you that if you’re praying and desiring a
tribe of solid people around you, He hears your prayers. He’s building your
tribe, He’s preparing your heart for this tribe, and He will provide the people
you need in your life. I promise. He’s faithful.
These women have come at what seems like the perfect time, but when
I look back at the process it’s been to get to this point in my life, I realize
that He was probably ready to surround me with incredible women long ago, but
my heart wasn’t ready.
I’m easily guarded, I’m one that has strived to be strong enough to
be ok doing things on my own, I don’t ask for help, I pride myself on being a
strong woman, but over the last year I’ve realized that I have more strength in
being vulnerable. I’ve broken down some walls, I’ve let some women in, and my
heart has been more fulfilled than I ever could have imagined.
Today I encourage you to keep praying for your tribe, but I also
want to encourage you to be praying over your heart as well. Be asking Him to
prepare your heart for the tribe He wants to surround you with.
To my tribe, thank you for being amazing, for loving me well, for
showing up when I need you, for challenging me, encouraging me, praying over
me, praying with me, for being consistent; for just being you. I love you all
sooooooooo stinking much.
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