Monday, Monday

It’s just another manic Monday…whoa.

Life has been extra busy lately. It’s not exactly how I’d like things to be, but alas it’s my own fault. However, the craziness has given me more appreciation for the time I do get when it’s just me, my hubby, and my munchkin.

Monday this week was one of those Mondays that you are beyond thankful for 5pm.  I could’ve gone home exhausted and began my normal weeknight duties, but instead I wanted to just go home and do something fun with my boys.

So, we hopped on our bikes and went for a bike ride to the park and spent the evening sliding down slides, swinging, and spinning on a merry go ground. It was the perfect ending to an overwhelming day; an evening I’ll never forget. :)

I’m so thankful for moments in my life like that; moments that wash away the hardest of days.

As I faced Tuesday it didn’t start out so well, but after the chaos the morning brought I decided to spend some time on my lunch to redirect all the stress I feel and just call on the Lord for the rest I find in Him and the joy He has for me.

One of my favorite songs right now is “Closer” sung by Steffany Frizzell and I just sing it over and over and over.

One of the most incredible things about a relationship with Christ is the ability to come to Him whenever, however, with no set format to being at His feet. He’s pretty great like that.

Your love has ravished my heart

And taken me over, taken me over

And all I want is to be
With You forever, with You forever

Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your hear
I want to know Your hear
‘Cause Your love is so much sweeter
Than anything I’ve tasted
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

Whoa, whoa, how great Your love is for me
Whoa, whoa, how great is Your love

Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
‘Cause Your love is so much stronger
Than anything I’ve faced and
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

I pray that even in the chaos of life, that you find rest and joy in the Lord. Sometimes we have to slow down to rest at His feet, but when we do it’s pretty amazing the refreshing He provides us when we need it.

We’re half way to Friday….who’s excited!?! ME!!!! J


The winner of the Jessica Lynn Photography Giveaway is posted here.


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