New Year’s Resolutions

It’s time lovelies, to start thinking about what New Year’s resolutions. I've never really been big into making a list of things that I want to change or accomplish in the New Year. I’m the type of person who gets things done when I want to get them done, but I’m also the type of person who will make a resolution only to forget about it. So, I usually just don’t make them. What fun is that though, right?

Ok, ok! I’ll make a couple this year! ;)

Resolution #1 Make eating dinner at the table together a priority every night even if the little munchkin decides he doesn’t want to. We have become accustomed to eating dinner in the living room in front of the television to help distract Mason enough so that he will actually eat. Well, he doesn’t really eat that way anymore so we are going to sit at the table like normal people and pray that Mason’s appetite for new foods will begin to appear.

Resolution #2 Have a date night with my hubby at least once a month even if it means just getting the munchkin to bed early and cuddling up on the couch watching a movie. I want to make sure that we plan something once a month just for us.

Resolution #3 Spend more time talking to my munchkin about the love of Christ. It’s never too early to plant the seed, and I want to make sure that I’m doing my part in teaching him just how great Christ’s love is.

Resolution #4 Exercise more! Of course I had to put some sort of healthy resolution in there. Isn’t that what everyone does? No seriously though; I want/need to exercise more. Exercising is greatly beneficial for me to keep issues with my Spina Bifida at a minimum. I need to keep my muscles strong and I’ve been quite lazy this past year.

Resolution #5 Get pregnant with baby #2! No need to elaborate on that one. :)

So now that I have made several resolutions public, does that mean I can count on all of you to keep me accountable to them?

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions?



  1. Baby #2! Glad to see that on the list :) Great resolutions...I could use them as my own, all except #5 of course, that better not be happening for me this year!


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